Antoine and I signed up for an adventure dive with Jen because with my PADI license, I can only go up to 18 meters deep, where as I would like to go deeper. One of my options is to get the advanced PADI license like the one Antoine has, or go on an Adventure Dive, and get a lower depth signed off and I can go that depth whenever I want.
We meet with Jen on the deck, and she goes over what we are going to do. She’s going to bring a color board, an egg, and a water bottle. She will show us how the color red disappears because of the lack of light further under water, how the pressure keeps a cracked egg together, and how the pressure will affect the air in a water bottle if filled up deep under water. We will also play a game called 11, since being that deep, the nitrogen in the air tank can affect your brain as if you are drunk.
We gear up and hop into the water. According to my underwater computer, I reach 24 meters, we find a sandy bottom and kneel there. She shows us the color board and the bright red has turned into a dark brown. Jen shines a flashlight on it, and it turns red again. She brings out the egg and cracks it. It pretty much holds its shape completely, but the current was a little too strong for the egg, so it takes the egg away from us to some lucky fish. Then we play 11, Jen holds up a number of fingers and we have to hold up a number that will add it up to 11. I mess up the first one, but get the next two. Antoine gets all three right.
Because we are deeper, our oxygen lasts for a shorter amount of time, until we ascend a little, so we head up. We have to take a break for three minutes at five meters, while we wait, Jen goes back down to fill her water bottle with some air. We also see a shark.
Once we surface and take off our gear, Jen comes over with the water bottle, when she opens it, it pops and a steam comes out from the pressure.
After breakfast, Jen signs my deep dive off, and now I can dive up to 25 meters whenever I want.
Then Antoine and I go on a dive with just the two of us. We don’t see anything large, but the current does get strong enough that we finish the dive pretty fast.
We skip the next dive to pack and just relax before we head back to land and traveling.
The transfer boat arrives, and we say bye to the crew, Jen and Phil go back on land with us. Once on the boat, we see Freddie has been teaching another student.
During our time on the boat, I wipe the floor with Antoine playing Uno.
Off the boat, we have sea legs, this lasts for about two days. Antoine is weak and it lasted for him for a day longer.