Today I woke up at 7:30, to try and Skype Jamie, which was very glitchy, but at least I had some form of internet. After skyping didn’t work, I took a nap before breakfast at 10:30.
Following breakfast, we met at 12 with our CEO in the meeting room of the hotel, which looked like a boardroom. Our CEO explained how the next few days would work, as well as what we needed to get to be ready for this adventure. following the meeting, we undid our bags to make sure everything we had was adequate for the next few days. Our CEO came up to our rooms to check our gear which was laid out on the beds, after he was happy with our gear, we repacked everything and weighed our bags to make sure they were under 15kg.
For lunch, we went down to the hotel restaurant which was this very large empty room with lots of tables on only one side. We got some local chicken and saw another group of people who had just come back from Kilimanjaro.
After this we all went to take naps, to make sure we had enough energy for the next few days. After waking up at 5 pm, we were lucky enough to see the sunset on Kilimanjaro, illuminating the summit in an orange glow.
After our pictures, we grabbed a drink ( i took some Fanta) before taking our dinner, where we stuffed ourselves to make sure we had as much energy as possible in our bodies.
following dinner, we went to the bar to take some photos of the stars above Kilimanjaro and test our gear for the following few nights. we even tried to do a few bulb shots to see how they would turn out.