Today our night bus arrived in cusco quite early at around 7 am, and we all went to our hotel to drop our stuff before going to go to a breakfast place near by which served amazing food, and english breakfast for the many british people in our tour.
afterwards we went to the city center to get a quick tour of the city before being able to do whatever we want, as we arrived to the main plaza we stumbled across lots of people dressed in traditional clothes, some were even carrying dead lamas and alpacas on their belts, dancing together and making music to celebrate the winter equinox which is ariving in a week and is the biggest celebration in cusco and lasts for weeks .
after the tour, 3 of us took a car to a ranch on top of the city to go horseriding, and we got to walk around the hills aswell as canter on the horses, mine was called bonito ( beautifull) . On the horseriding tour we stopped at different places to take pictures or to eat snack and even extinguish a forest fire. One of those was the moon temple were the locals would organise celebrations to cure the sick , but instead i got sacrificied on the altar