Day 14 – Nairobi

12th January 2017

Today I woke up at 5h30 and got out of the tent to the coolest morning we have had so far, it felt like only 5 degrees, during which I had to pack my tent away which was more difficult than usual since the tent poles were freezing, so as soon as I was done, I went to sit next to the still-burning campfire to warm up. After breakfast we left the camp and drove for 3 hours, stopping at a viewpoint to take a group picture on top of our bus. After that, we gave Patrick and Caroline their time before the group split into 2, those going to the elephant sanctuary and those going straight to the Hoel.

since I was going to the elephant sanctuary we got into a minibus and drove for 30 mins. There we got to see 23 baby elephants, who got fed in front of us and played with the dirt and water, we learned more about how they had become orphans and what the centre was doing to help the.

From there we drove to the giraffe centre where we got to feed giraffes and take photos with them. Their tongues were really slimy and rough at the same time, after taking a few photos we went back to the hotel, where I was finally able to have a real shower and nap in a real bed. Since I needed money I decided to walk alone in Nairobi to the nearest ATM, which was a risky move but I got back in one piece.

For dinner, we all met in the lobby to fo to the restaurant carnivore, where I got to try crocodile and ostrich. When we got back to the hotel, we had a group hit and said goodbye to everyone that was leaving us.

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